Home Events HS & MS Fall Kickoff

HS & MS Fall Kickoff

When: Fri, Sept 15, 5:30pm to Sat, Sept 16, 10:30am
Who: All high school and middle school students
Cost: $20/student. Bring a friend, that friend comes free!
Register: online HERE

Our Fall Kickoff is just around the corner! On Friday, September 15 at 5:30pm, HS and MS Youth Groups will join together for a fun-filled night and a Lock-In for Jesus!

Activities include: Paradise Park in Novi (go-karts & laser tag), Zorb Jousting in a giant hamster ball, silent disco party (with whatever music you love) and lots of other games!

There will be food & fun but have faith in the center of it with two messages and quiet time with God. It’s $20 per student and if they bring a friend, that friend comes free!


Sep 15 2023 - Sep 16 2023


5:30 pm - 10:30 am



More Info
