Online Giving
Payment Types:
Bank Transfer (ACH). The church pays processing fees for Bank Transfers (ACH) which are a flat $0.30 per transaction. These are the lowest online fees available, and we encourage you set up one time or recurring gifts from your bank’s checking or savings account.
Credit Card and Debit Card. Credit and debit card fees are 2.15% of the dollar amount, plus a flat $0.30 per transaction. We understand that some may prefer to use this payment method, and another option is to check the box near the bottom of the “payment method” screen labeled “Add $X.XX the cost of the processing fee”, which will increase your gift to include the processing fee. This means the full amount of your gift will be available to Faith Covenant.
Giving Schedule Options. You can make a onetime donation or set up recurring donations that will process automatically.
** Please note that this link is for contributions only. Please do not use the “OTHER” category to pay for small group books, flowers, tickets, camp fees, etc. Payments for these items should not be entered here. Please contact the church office for instructions on paying these fees.
4 Simple and Safe Ways to Give
Give on Sunday
Feel free to place your offering in one of our offering plates on the back pew on Sunday mornings.
Give Online
Using our safe, secure online giving platform, you can feel safe about your gift.
Text to Give
Text any dollar amount to 84321 to give. Follow a quick, self-guided setup process to tie your mobile phone to Faith Covenant Church, your donor account, and a payment source. After that, donating is as easy as sending a text. Donate to specific funds by entering general, missions or compassion (example, text: “$100 general” to 84321).
Give By Mail
Mail your check to:
Faith Covenant Church
35415 W. 14 Mile Rd.
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7