Ladies Night Out Campfire & Hayride
Invite a friend & join us at Heritage Park for our first ever campfire, hayride and s’mores!
Date: Friday, September 18
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Heritage Park (11 Mile Rd & Farmington Rd in Farmington Hills)
• We provide the campfire, roasting sticks (or bring your own), individual packets of s’mores ingredients and cleansing of any and all items used.
• The campfire will be ready at 6:30pm followed by a hayride at either the 7pm or 7:30pm; or both if space allows.
• This is a great event to meet other ladies from the church or connect with friends!
• There are many benches around the camp fire or bring your own camp chair to accommodate social distancing.
• Social distancing and mask use will be in place. Hayrides will accommodate 20 people with masks.