Tomato Plant Sale
Date: Sunday, May 16
Time: After the 9:40am and 11:15am services
Cost: $5 per plant
Do you have a fond appreciation for students? Do you love tomatoes? If you find yourself in either category (especially if you find yourself in both), do we have an opportunity for you! Gardening aficionado Jess Sellers has lent her expertise and experience to our HS youth to support them in their summer trip up to the Boundary Waters Wilderness area.
On May 16th, you can pick up an adolescent tomato plant for $5 that will be on it’s way (14-18 inches) to producing more than $5 worth of tomatoes throughout the growing season – all you have to do is transplant it and give it a little water. Big tomatoes, small tomatoes, producing across the tomato color spectrum; buy a couple of plants and put the Kroger tomato produce section to shame!