Home Events Tomato Plant Sale

Tomato Plant Sale

Date: Sunday, May 19
Time: After Second Service

You’re Invited to our annual Tomato Sale! Join us on May 19th, right after the second service, for a delightful tomato sale event!

What’s on offer? Juicy, ripe, homegrown tomatoes that not only add flavor to your dishes but also support a fantastic cause. By purchasing these delicious tomatoes, you’re not just filling your kitchen with fresh goodness, you’re also helping send students to UNITE for a life-changing summer experience!

So mark your calendars and swing by our station after the service. Let’s make a difference together while enjoying the bounty of nature!

See you there!


May 19 2024


$5 per plant
Faith Covenant Church


Faith Covenant Church
35415 W. 14 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48331