UNITE 2024
When: Monday, July 15 (11am) – Friday, July 19 (2pm)
Who: entering 9th to graduating class of 2024
Location: Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, OH
Cost: $450/student
Register: online HERE by Monday, June 24 (Extra late fee applied on June 25)
Schedule of Events: HERE
Unite is coming summer 2024! From July 15th-19th our high school students (entering 9th to graduating class of 2024) will have an amazing opportunity to spend a week growing in their faith and having fun!
Unite happens every three years and is our denominational youth event for the Great Lakes region and it’s coming to Bowling Green University this year. You may know it by its previous name “CHIC”. Each day we’ll have morning and afternoon church times along with small group. In between we’ll have a ton of fun! Everything from huge games and competitions to board games and video games. There will be endless opportunities to deepen our relationships with other students and leaders while more importantly deepening our relationship with Jesus! We get to do all of this while having a TON of fun!
We’ll be staying in dorms through the week and get a taste of what college will look and feel like! The theme will be “the rest of your life” and how to seek Jesus for rest.
The cost is $450 per student. This includes four nights of lodging, eleven meals, morning and evening sessions, focus group, breakouts, afternoon activities, a safe environment, and so much more. There will even be an app to keep us all connected.
If you’d like more information you can email Pastor Devon @ pastordevon.perry@4fcc.org and he will provide you with more details and schedules of what we’ll be doing!