Vacation Bible School
Focus VBS 2020 is coming! What will it look like? We do not know yet! But safety of all of our children and their families is our main priority! Having fun is at the top of our list too! So join us! Whether it is in-person or virtually, we know we will have a lot of fun focusing on WHO matters in our lives! FOCUS VBS will help kids dive deeper into their faith by putting the FOCUS on God and His amazing plan for us. Your children will have a blast as they discover how to trust in what they CAN’T see because of what they CAN see.
We’ll use this week to explore four different ways we can FOCUS on God: Hear, Pray, Talk, Live
Dates: July 13-17, 2020
Ages: entering kindergarten thru grade 5
Cost: FREE
Registration: May 17 – July 1, 2020
As state guidelines are communicated, more details about FOCUS VBS 2020 will be sent to all those who register.
Questions? Please contact Pastor Laura or the church office.