Women’s Spring Getaway
Dates: May 17–19, 2024
Location: Michindoh Conference Center – 4545 E Bacon Rd, Hillsdale, MI 49242
Cost: $225/person
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
This weekend will be a women’s gathering away from daily responsibilities and distractions. There will be times of teaching, quiet times of reflection and prayer, ropes course, zipline, hiking, campfire, crafts, lots of laughter, times of sharing, relaxing & all-around fun. Feel free to invite your mother, sister, or friends.
What’s Included:
– Hotel-style accommodations (2-3 per room) with private bathroom & mini fridge.
– All meals included (Friday evening to Sunday morning)
– Activities: hiking, sand volleyball, campfires, waterfront activities, jewelry class, crafts, cards & board games (bring a game or two to share at our game/social hours at night), and the Team World Vision 6K Walk/Run
– Laughter, times of sharing, relaxing and all-around fun!
Optional Saturday Activities
– Ropes Course: $15/person (minimum of 8 participants)
– Zip Lining: $5 per person/per zip (minimum of 20 participants)
– Jewelry & Crafts
– Team World Vision 6K Walk/Run
Bless Others: Scholarships – Please prayerfully consider contributing any size donation for scholarships. Every woman needs the opportunity to participate in this wonderful, spirit-enriching weekend. Our hope is to be able to provide scholarships if needed.
What to Bring:
Snacks, water bottle, travel coffee mug, toiletries, weather appropriate clothing & shoes, jacket, slippers, comfy PJ’s for social time at night, flashlight, pencil, pen, notebook & Bible, sunscreen/bug spray
Optional – pillow, extra blanket, games (cards, board games, etc.) for Saturday night.
Theme: Filled to Overflowing
Are you feeling “depleted” in your life or “overflowing” with God’s goodness? Maybe a little of both? Jesus invites us into life that is overflowing with joy, love, grace, peace, rest and so much more. If that is his invitation, why do we so often live in spaces of discouragement, weariness, and depletion? Come explore with us the invitations from Jesus that will help us experience a life with him that is “overflowing,” no matter what our circumstances.
Speaker: Marcie Rahill
Marcie loves Jesus with her whole heart! She has been serving him since her teen years in multiple capacities including worship leading, youth ministry, multiple forms of discipleship ministry, camp ministry, children’s ministry, women’s ministry, and church planting. She also served God for 25 years in the workplace as a special education teacher for emotionally impaired kids. She is retired now and grateful to focus her energies on her family and ministry. She is passionate about helping people not just know about God’s love but EXPERIENCING God’s love for them in ways that bring about a deep and intimate relationship with God, which then in turn produces a beautiful outpouring of the kingdom of God in the context in which we each live. Marcie presently serves at Life Church Livonia through small group ministry and preaching, with an emphasis on spiritual and emotional health. Her favorite ministry role at the present time is serving as a spiritual director, providing spiritual companionship 1-1 and in small groups, helping people recognize, reflect and respond to the movement of God in their lives. Her training in contemplative spirituality practices has brought new life to her own faith practices and to the people that she serves. Marcie has served alongside her husband Alex for 37 years and their favorite ministry is definitely to their beautiful family! They have 4 awesome adult children who are married to 4 beautiful spouses and the greatest joy of their life is their growing brood of grandchildren!! The present number of grandchildren is 5 with more hopeful ones coming in the next year or two!! Grandma is her favorite title of all!!
If you have any questions, please reach out to: Kattie Butsky @ (734)837-3211 via text or call OR email kattie.butsky@4fcc.org