Women Ministries

Study & Grow in God's Word


Cultivate Meaningful Friendships

Journey Together

Women’s ministry is about faith, fun and sisterhood! The women at Faith Covenant Church love our Jesus, serving our church and community! We support our women attending Portage Lake Retreats, Faith’s Annual Spring Getaway and many activities that help foster the community of women in and around our church. We host Ladies Nights Scrapbook/craft days, pool parties and many other activities throughout the year. We are involved in community outreach events and work with charities in our area. Our purpose is to support women, help them grow and to serve our church and community so that all will hear about and feel the love of Christ!

Among other things, Women Ministries:

Supports and sponsors women in attending the annual Portage Lake Women’s Retreat and Covenant Triennial

Host’s regular Ladies Night Out events and Ladies Craft Days

Partners with supporting a number of different local charities

For more information on Women Ministries, the next event, or to get involved, contact us.

Groups & Studies for Women

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Faith Book Club

Stay connected with us!